The Medical Section is part of Uppsala Student Union with the aim of bringing the activities of the Union closer to the students and thus making it easier for students to influence the situation at their faculty.

Contact us!

The Medical Section is part of Uppsala Student Union with the aim of bringing the activities of the Union closer to the students and thus making it easier for students to influence the situation at their faculty.

The section includes the following programmes:
- Biomedical programme
- Biomedical analyst programme
- Physiotherapist programme
- Speech therapist programme
- Physician programme
- Radiology nursing programme
- Nursing programme
- Specialist nursing programmes, including midwifery
- Master's programmes at the Faculty of Medicine

The Medical Section acts as a collaborative body for the student associations and student councils in the field of medicine. The section works, in collaboration with the study councils, with study monitoring and general issues such as work environment and practical training. One of the most important parts of student monitoring is to ensure that there are student representatives in all decision-making bodies of the faculty and its campuses.

As a student or association , it is possible to apply for a grant from the Section for projects concerning:
- Education
- Student influence
- Visibility of the Section or its member associations
- Working environment

Section Council

consists of representatives from the student councils and student associations representing the various programmes at the faculty. Currently, the Council consists of the following student councils:
- Biomedical Students in Uppsala (BAStU Council), representing the biomedical analyst programme
- Biomedical Association (BMF), representing the biomedicine programme
- Speech Therapy Students' Study Council in Uppsala (LSRU), representing the speech therapy programme
- Medical Master Council (MMC), representing the Master's programmes at the Faculty
- Medical Student Council (MSR), representing the Medical programme
- Physiotherapists' Student Association, representing the Physiotherapy programme
- Nurse students student association in Uppsala (SSiU), representing the various nursing programmes

The Section Council is the Section's highest decision-making body and appoints, for example, the student representatives at the faculty. The Council is also a forum where faculty-wide issues can be discussed.

Faculty Coordinator

The Medical Section has a faculty coordinator who works full-time with study and work environment issues at the section. The Faculty Coordinator is there to support students who have study-related problems and they assist the Section Council and its member associations with support in their work.

You can turn to the Faculty Coordinator if you experience problems in your study situation, if you have been accused of cheating or if the working environment on your campus is poor, etc.

I want to have an impact

If you are interested in having an impact, if you have something you want to improve in your programme or on your campus, you can contact your study council, the section or the faculty coordinator.

How do I contact you?

Sektionens kontor ligger i Uppsa studentkårs kårhus på Övre Slottsgatan 7, och du är alltid välkommen dit.

The Faculty Coordinator has an office at Uppsala Student Union, Övre Slottsgatan 7.

Om det inte är någon på kontoret så kan du mejla oss:

Ordförande i sektionsrådet

Jennifer Berggren

  • Mail:

Jennifer Berggren
Isac Vidfelt
Vice sektionsordförande
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