Become a student representative!

The voice of students in Uppsala since 1849!

Uppsala Student Union is a membership organisation representing students at Uppsala University. the union is governed by students and works to make your study time as good as possible.

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Latest from the union


Våra krav – Uppsala som cykelstad

Våra krav för att Uppsala ska bli landets bästa cykelstad för oss studenter.

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Vice ordförande Johannah håller i rapporten "Vad blir man då?" framför universitetshuset

Rapportsläpp: Vad blir man då?

Idag släpper Uppsala studentkår rapporten “Vad blir man då?”, en rapport om arbetsmarknadsanknytning för studenter inom humaniora och teologi. Rapporten syftar på att synliggöra behoven av att stärka arbetet med arbetsmarknadsanknytning för humanister och teologer. Uppsala studentkårs förhoppning är att rapporten ska väcka liv i frågan om arbetsmarknadsanknytning vid humanistiska och teologiska utbildningar vid Uppsala universitet.

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En text där det står Jubileum 175 år.

Uppsala studentkår 175 år

I år fyller Uppsala studentkår 175 år vilket firas med en rad aktiviteter 11-16 mars.

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A membership in the union is a matter of course during your studies!

Support & Advocacy

Hos oss jobbar två fakultetssamordnare och ett student- och doktorandombud. Bland andra arbetsuppgifter, finns dessa för att hjälpa dig som student med alla frågor och hjälp kring dina studier.

Student Representation

Student representation exists to give students a say in their own education. A student representative represents the students' views wherever decisions are made or prepared at the university that affect the students' education or situation.


Uppsala Student Union is constantly working to improve conditions for all students studying at Uppsala University. For example, we have pushed for decisions on anonymisation in exams and that the University cannot force students to turn on a webcam.

Local discounts

Being a member of Uppsala Student Union means you get access to a host of local member discounts. We cooperate with Studentkortet and Campus 1477, but also with many smaller companies in Uppsala.

Our partners

Get involved in the union!

There are lots of different ways you can get involved in the union. Our main task is to appoint student representatives, for example. There are hundreds of student representative positions at Uppsala University and it is an extremely rewarding job. In addition to that, we also have a dozen positions of trust at Uppsala Student Union, we have everything from Club Champions to member positions. Read more by clicking below!

Become a student representative!

Uppsala Student Union appoints around 550 student representatives each year to various bodies where decisions about your education are made.

Get involved in the union!

There are a variety of ways to get involved in the union. Some missions are short, others are long. Many of our missions are paid.

Subscribe to our newsletter!

We send out about one email per month and it's easy to unsubscribe if you change your mind.

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Union Associations

Another way to get involved is to join one of our Union Associations! Or why not create your own?

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Create your own Union Association

Do you have an idea for a new Union Association? Read more about how we can support you!

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Upcoming events!

Sektionsråd #10 SamSek / Section council #10 SamSek
Social Sciences Section
Uppsala studentkår, Övre slottsgatan 7
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May 7, 2024 5:15 PM
May 7, 2024 8:00 PM
Samhällsvetenskapliga sektionens tionde sektionsråd för verksamhetsåret. / The Section of Social Sciences's tenth section council of the fiscal year.
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Section Council
Social Sciences Section
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