
Uppsala Student Union has a long tradition of awarding scholarships. On this page we collect all scholarships relevant to students in Uppsala, our own scholarships and those of other actors.

Scholarship for printing dissertation
Follow this link to access application form.
One or more scholarships for doctoral students at Uppsala University who need help with the publication of a printed dissertation. Quote for printing must be attached. Preferably given to members in need of financial support. Deadline for applications March 12 / One or more scholarships for a PhD student at Uppsala University who needs help with the publication of a printed thesis. A quotation for printing must be attached. Preferably given to members in need of financial support. Deadline for applications March 12.
Syskonen Stranensky stipend / The Stranensky Siblings Scholarship
Follow this link to access application form.
A scholarship for students at Uppsala University, who are in real need of financial support and who live a moral and sober life. NOTE! A confidential self-declaration must be attached to the application, a template is available. Application deadline March 12 / A scholarship for students at Uppsala University who are in genuine need of financial support and who lead a moral and sober life. NOTE! A confidential self-declaration must be attached to the application, a template is available via this link. Last day to apply is March 12.
Jonas Samzelii scholarship
Follow this link to access nomination form.
One or more scholarships to a member of Uppsala Student Union who has made a meritorious contribution to Uppsala Student Union or otherwise made efforts for the benefit of the members. Each member of Uppsala Student Union is entitled to nominate a candidate. Scholarships cannot be applied for, but persons must be nominated by a member of Uppsala Student Union. Preferably not given to those already paid. Deadline for nomination March 12 / One or more scholarships to a member of Uppsala Student Union who has made a meritorious contribution to Uppsala Student Union or otherwise made efforts for the benefit of the members. Each member of Uppsala Student Union is entitled to nominate a candidate. Scholarships cannot be applied for, but persons must be nominated by a member of Uppsala Student Union. Precedence will be given to those not already receiving remuneration. Last day for nominations March 12.
Applications, including a confidential self-declaration for those applications that require it, must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked Scholarship Committee, at Övre Slottsgatan 7, 75310 Uppsala. /
Applications, including a confidential self-declaration for those applications that require it, must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked Stipendiekommittén (Scholarship Committee), at Övre Slottsgatan 7, 75310 Uppsala. Questions regarding the scholarships will be answered by the chairman of the Scholarship Committee, Johannah Rybrant. Reached by e-mail /Questions regarding the scholarships can be answered by the Chair of the Scholarship Committee, Johannah Rybrant. She can be reached by email at