
En kvinna som står med armarna i kors framför en trappa.

3 sommarkrav

Tre krav på åtgärder för att förbättra situationen för oss studenter.

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Våra krav – Uppsala som cykelstad

Våra krav för att Uppsala ska bli landets bästa cykelstad för oss studenter.

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Vice ordförande Johannah håller i rapporten "Vad blir man då?" framför universitetshuset

Rapportsläpp: Vad blir man då?

Idag släpper Uppsala studentkår rapporten “Vad blir man då?”, en rapport om arbetsmarknadsanknytning för studenter inom humaniora och teologi. Rapporten syftar på att synliggöra behoven av att stärka arbetet med arbetsmarknadsanknytning för humanister och teologer. Uppsala studentkårs förhoppning är att rapporten ska väcka liv i frågan om arbetsmarknadsanknytning vid humanistiska och teologiska utbildningar vid Uppsala universitet.

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En text där det står Jubileum 175 år.

Uppsala studentkår 175 år

I år fyller Uppsala studentkår 175 år vilket firas med en rad aktiviteter 11-16 mars.

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Text som lyder: vem är din bästa lärare?

Pedagogiska priset 2024

Uppsala universitet delar ut pedagogiska priser för framstående insatser inom utbildning på grund- och avancerad nivå. Fem pris, på vardera 20 000 kronor, utdelas årligen under hösten.

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Urholkningen av högre utbildning och lärarledd tid

Sverige har minst lärarledd tid inom högre utbildning i Europa. Det påvisar Eurostudent, en internationell undersökning som vartannat år jämför studenters ekonomiska och sociala villkor i olika europeiska länder. I följande inlägg kommenterar Uppsala studentkår avsaknaden av lärarledd tid i undervisningen och hur detta kan härledas till en systematisk urholkning av högre utbildning i Sverige idag.

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Alla sektionsordförande plus vice ordförande Linnea Rydén mot vit bakgrund med texten 'Mental Health Week' ovanför.

Mental Health Week 2023

Uppsala studentkår sammanfattar sitt arbete under Mental Health Week 2023. I inlägget hittar du de uttalanden vi publicerade samt våra åsikter om behovet av bättre återhämtning och vila för att ge förutsättningar för friskare och mer välmående studenter.

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Text: Septemberfullmäktige

Styrelsen sammanfattar septemberfullmäktige

Under torsdagskvällen samlades Uppsala studentkårs fullmäktigeledamöter i Betty Pettersson-salen på Blåsenhus för att delta i terminens första fullmäktigesammanträde.

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Text där det står: Uppsala studentkår kommenterar regeringens budgetproposition för 2024

Uppsala studentkår kommenterar budgetpropositionen

Förra veckan presenterade regeringen sin gemensamma budget för 2024 tillsammans med Sverigedemokraterna. I följande blogginlägg berättar vi kort om budgetpropositionen och hur den påverkar oss som studenter.

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Vice ordförande Linnea Rydén med allvarlig min och armarna lagda i kors

Angiverilagen är oacceptabel

Sedan Tidöavtalet offentliggjorde har motståndet mot den anmälningsplikt som ingår bland dess punkter bara växt. För offentliganställda inom allt från vård till bibliotek är anmälningsplikten detsamma som en angiverilag genom vilken ens yrke bidrar till papperslösa människors utsatthet. I följande inlägg kommenterar Uppsala studentkår och våra sektioner anmälningsplikten och dess konsekvenser för de studenter vi representerar.

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Vice ordförande Johannah håller upp rapporten framför universitetshuset

Rapportsläpp: Behöver VFU-riktlinjerna plåstras om?

Uppsala studentkår släppte idag en rapport om VFU-riktlinjerna vid den medicinska fakulteten. Syftet med rapporten är att redovisa de riktlinjer och ersättningsmodeller som används av olika program på den medicinska fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet i hanteringen av kostnader som kan uppstå för studenter i samband med deras verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. Detta avser exempelvis resekostnader och kostnader för logi när studenter har VFU på annan ort än Uppsala. Uppsala studentkårs förhoppning är att rapporten ska bidra till en fortsatt diskussion om förutsättningarna för en jämlik och inkluderande högre utbildning i Sverige. En sådan diskussion är ett viktigt steg i arbetet för att vem som helst med behörighet ska ha möjlighet att utbilda sig, oberoende av socioekonomisk bakgrund.

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Texten SFS Bostadsrapport 2023 bredvid ett gäng tecknade byggnader

Bostadsrapporten 2023

Sveriges förenade studentkårer släppte nyligen sin årliga bostadsrapport som beskriver bostadssituationen för Sveriges studenter. Uppsala studentkår medverkade i att ta fram underlaget till rapporten och sammanfattar dess innehåll med fokus på Uppsala i det här blogginlägget.

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Vice-President Linnea Rydén with the front page of the report, standing at a bus stop.

Report release: How does public transport work for Uppsala students?

Uppsala Student Union publishes the report "How does public transport work for Uppsala's students?" - a report on ticket prices and accessibility by bus and bicycle in the student city of Uppsala. The report is a first step in Uppsala Student Union's work with public transport in the coming year.

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Text: Report release, A follow-up of Teacher-led time from a student perspective

Report release: A follow-up of teaching time from a student perspective

Uppsala Student Union the report releases a follow-up of Teacher-led time from a student perspective. The report aims to follow up on the survey on teacher-led teaching at Uppsala University since last year's report on teacher-led time and keep the issue of resource allocation in higher education alive. Uppsala Student Union hopes that the results will contribute to a continued discussion about the quality of higher education in Sweden and the importance of the meeting between teacher and student to ensure a research-oriented education.

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Left panel, a pack of tampons. Right panel, University House.

Summary: Menswear on campus

On March 8, 2023, Uppsala Student Union submitted a letter to Uppsala University recommending a pilot project with free menstrual protection. This blog post summarizes the letter, the short debate that followed in Upsala Nya Tidning and our plans for the future.

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Left: Topias Tolonen, Chair of the Doctoral Committee. Right: Anton Sánchez Sulejmani, Chair Uppsala Student Union.

Statement on the government's decision on the boards of higher education institutions

Uppsala Student Union and the Doctoral Board at Uppsala University are writing to urge the government to reverse its decision to increase political control over university boards. The government must restore the term of office to three years and make it clear that they intend to return to the system where daily political issues do not control the selection of university board members. Academic freedom requires freedom from political control as well as trust between academia and those in power. The measures now decided by the government threaten both of these values.

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Uppsala Student Union

AI and cheating: classroom exams cannot be seen as a substitute for home exams

Since the launch of the Chat GPT, the issue of AI and cheating has been on the university agenda. Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, where take-home exams are common, discussions have begun about replacing take-home exams with classroom exams. In some departments and programs this has already become a reality and is expected to become so in others. Uppsala Student Union is concerned about this development. Uppsala University should handle the situation carefully and not make hasty decisions that drastically change education.

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Corps election items

Video: 2023 elections debate

S-students, Vänsterstudent and the Right Party debate ahead of the 2023 student union elections.

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The words "Students against Putin" written on a Ukrainian flag.

Statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine

A year has passed since Russia's last invasion of Ukraine. Uppsala Student Union therefore writes a statement in support of the Ukrainian people, a total withdrawal of Russian troops and more solidarity efforts to make both a reality. We also urge all Uppsala students to attend the anniversary demonstration, which will take place outside the University House at 4pm, on 24 February.

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Vice President Alexander at the bicycle stands at Fyrisån.

Bicycle stands at Fyrisån: The Student Union's voice is heard!

Uppsala Student Union has through a series of debate posts fought to keep bike racks at Norrlands nation and outside Campus Gamla torget. We have been able to show that there is a majority in the municipality that agrees that bike racks should be prioritized over car traffic in central Uppsala. The following blog post summarises the reporting and debate on bicycle stands along the Fyrisån in central Uppsala

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Is there enough time? A study of supervision time in Master's programmes in the humanities and social sciences. Picture of Anton Sánchez Sulejmani, Klara Fröberg, Klara van Blaricum.

New report: is there enough time?

Uppsala Student Union has conducted a survey of supervisor time for Master's students writing their thesis during the winter. The report finds that the amount of supervisor time varies considerably between programmes and identifies a number of reasons why students receive too little supervisor time when writing their Master's thesis.

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Educational Prize!

Uppsala University awards pedagogical prizes for outstanding achievements in education at undergraduate and graduate level. Five prizes, each worth SEK 20,000, are awarded annually in November. One of the prizes is awarded for educational achievements in a special priority area and is called the free prize. In 2023, the priority area is "Creative pedagogy".

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Jonas Hassen Khemiri, winner of the Gustaf Fröding Scholarship 2020

Jonas Hassen Khemiri winner of the Gustaf Fröding Scholarship 2020

The winner of the Gustaf Fröding Scholarship 2020 is the writer and playwright Jonas Hassen Khemiri. The Gustaf Fröding Scholarship is a literature scholarship awarded every three years by Uppsala Student Union. The recipient is chosen by a vote among members of the Uppsala Student Union after a jury has selected three candidates. The award ceremony will take place in conjunction with the announcement and awarding of the Gustaf Fröding Scholarship for the year 2023.

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Minister of Education Mats Persson. Photo: Johannes Frandsen/Government Offices

Uppsala Student Union debating cancelkultur

Today, our chairman Anton Sánchez Sulejmani writes in Altinget about the planned investigation on cancelkultur by Minister of Education Mats Persson. If you want to create a university with high ceilings, you need a more nuanced perspective than concepts like "cancelkultur" allow. In the opinion piece, we also draw attention to the lack of active anti-discrimination measures at Swedish higher education institutions as an important but absent component of the debate on academic freedom.

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A person sitting at a table counting on an invoice they have received.
Student loans

Vote no to increased CSN interest rate!

On Tuesday 20 December, the Riksdag will vote on raising the interest rate on student loans. Uppsala Student Union urges all MPs to vote against the proposal. Making it more expensive to study will lead to fewer people choosing to study and a streamlining of the courses people apply for.

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Coffee in a paper cup

The coffee campaign after three weeks

After a great start and an incredible response from students, we now sum up the first three weeks of the coffee campaign. Read briefly about our experience of spending two weeks out on campus and our plans for the campaign going forward. Firstly, we're not done on campus, secondly, we're picking up the dialogue with the university again and thirdly, we're getting ready to hand over the demands to the campus cafes. We also provide tips on how to further support the campaign.

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The coffee campaign is launched!

Coffee at Uppsala University is far too expensive. We at Uppsala Student Union want to change that. To do so, we are launching a campaign in November to demonstrate the dissatisfaction that exists among students and how to show how expensive coffee is at Uppsala University.

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Coins on a table

The cost crisis in the media: the voice of the Student Union is heard!

Few students are likely to have missed the inflation and food price rises that will take place in 2022. This autumn, the issue of how inflation affects students has emerged as one of the major policy issues and Uppsala Student Union has been at the centre of the debate. This blog post summarises the reporting and debate focusing on Uppsala and its students, from our first blog post in early September to the in-depth media coverage that has taken off in October.

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Fists in the air

On events in Iran

Uppsala Student Union and the Doctoral Board at Uppsala University condemn the attack on the students at Sharif University of Technology as well as all state violence against demonstrators in Iran.

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Training in Uppsala University Economics for students

Uppsala Student Union invites you to a training session on Uppsala University's finances. The training will primarily focus on the following: where does the money come from? How is the money distributed within the University? What do the concepts used when discussing the budget mean? How does the division between research and education work? And how does it all fit together?

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Two people sitting on a bench

Mental Health Week HT-22

During the week you can listen to lectures and webinars, participate in workshops and activities. All aimed at informing and highlighting mental health and well-being.

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election debate poster

Election debate with the parliamentary parties

Uppsala Student Union organised an election debate ahead of the 2022 elections. We invited all parliamentary parties and the interest was obvious. 800+ participants showed up. Everything is recorded for those who couldn't make it on the day. Click here to watch!

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Teacher time from a student perspective - report release

Uppsala Student Union proudly presents the report Teacher-led time from a student perspective - A follow-up and survey of the proportion of teacher-led teaching in education at six faculties at Uppsala University.

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The Student Room - a podcast produced by Uppsala Student Union!

The Student Room is a podcast of Uppsala Student Union - to give a better insight into what we do and the activities of the Student Union. The podcast is available to listen to on Spotify and Google podcast.

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Vigil for the union elections @ UNO fika & shop

Soon it will be time again... On Thursday 21 April at 20.00 we will find out the results of the 2022 elections!

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