
A woman holding up a paper report

Report release: A level playing field with what resources?

Today Uppsala Student Union releases the report "Lika villkor med vilka resurser?", a report on the conditions for equal opportunity groups at Uppsala University. The report aims to map the conditions for equal opportunity groups at department level or equivalent. The hope of Uppsala Student Union is that the report will bring to life the issue of resources for equal opportunities work at Uppsala University's departments and equivalent.

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Vice President Johannah holds the report "What will you be then?" in front of the university building

Report release: What does it make you?

Today Uppsala Student Union releases the report "What will you be then?", a report on labor market attachment for students in the humanities and theology. The report aims to highlight the need to strengthen the work with labor market attachment for humanities and theology students. The Uppsala Student Union hopes that the report will revive the issue of labor market integration in humanities and theology programs at Uppsala University.

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Vice President Johannah holds up the report in front of the university building

Report release: Do the placement guidelines need to be re-plastered?

Uppsala Student Union today released a report on the clinical placement guidelines at the Faculty of Medicine. The purpose of the report is to present the guidelines and reimbursement models used by different programs at the Faculty of Medicine at Uppsala University in the management of costs that may arise for students in connection with their clinical training. This refers, for example, to travel costs and costs for accommodation when students have a clinical placement in a location other than Uppsala. Uppsala Student Union hopes that the report will contribute to a continued discussion on the conditions for equal and inclusive higher education in Sweden. Such a discussion is an important step in the work to ensure that anyone with the right qualifications has the opportunity to study, regardless of socio-economic background.

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Vice-President Linnea Rydén with the front page of the report, standing at a bus stop.

Report release: How does public transport work for Uppsala students?

Uppsala Student Union publishes the report "How does public transport work for Uppsala's students?" - a report on ticket prices and accessibility by bus and bicycle in the student city of Uppsala. The report is a first step in Uppsala Student Union's work with public transport in the coming year.

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Text: Report release, A follow-up of Teacher-led time from a student perspective

Report release: A follow-up of teaching time from a student perspective

Uppsala Student Union the report releases a follow-up of Teacher-led time from a student perspective. The report aims to follow up on the survey on teacher-led teaching at Uppsala University since last year's report on teacher-led time and keep the issue of resource allocation in higher education alive. Uppsala Student Union hopes that the results will contribute to a continued discussion about the quality of higher education in Sweden and the importance of the meeting between teacher and student to ensure a research-oriented education.

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Is there enough time? A study of supervision time in Master's programmes in the humanities and social sciences. Picture of Anton Sánchez Sulejmani, Klara Fröberg, Klara van Blaricum.

New report: is there enough time?

Uppsala Student Union has conducted a survey of supervisor time for Master's students writing their thesis during the winter. The report finds that the amount of supervisor time varies considerably between programmes and identifies a number of reasons why students receive too little supervisor time when writing their Master's thesis.

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Teacher time from a student perspective - report release

Uppsala Student Union proudly presents the report Teacher-led time from a student perspective - A follow-up and survey of the proportion of teacher-led teaching in education at six faculties at Uppsala University.

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