Report release: What does it make you?

Vice President Johannah holds the report "What will you be then?" in front of the university building


      Today Uppsala Student Union releases the report "What will you be then?", a report on labor market attachment for students in the humanities and theology. The report aims to highlight the need to strengthen the work with labor market attachment for humanities and theology students. The Uppsala Student Union hopes that the report will revive the issue of labor market integration in humanities and theology programs at Uppsala University. 

      The report is based on an alumni survey conducted by Uppsala Student Union in the fall semester of 2023. 

      The report's findings show that many of the respondents did not feel that their education was linked to the labor market and that there is a shortage of work in the field they trained in. This is reflected in the fact that it took more than three months after graduation for 45% of respondents to find a job. While 24% of respondents have taken one or more trainings or courses after graduation to meet the demands of the labor market. 

      Furthermore, the report shows that those who had the opportunity for an internship during their studies had an easier transition to working life and that many got their first job after graduation at their internship, and others through a reference from the internship. The report thus shows that internships are an important component of labor market attachment for humanists and theologians. Nevertheless, 32% of respondents had not had the opportunity for an internship during their education. 

      Uppsala Student Union believes that there is reason to strengthen the work on labor market integration at the humanities and theology faculties at Uppsala University. 

      Uppsala Student Union would therefore like to...

      - all programs must include elements of work-relatedness

      - all students should be given the opportunity to do an internship within the program, both within the program and as an independent course

      - a stand-alone internship semester will be established at universities

      - Faculties and departments strengthen their work with alumni activities

      The full report is available here.

      If you have any questions about the report or its content, please contact Klara Fröberg, faculty coordinator and author of the report.

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