Student and PHD student ombudsperson

If you as a student or PHD student encounter problems in your education, please feel free to contact us. It could be that you have had a conflict with the university, want support in disciplinary matters or if you feel you have been treated unfairly or incorrectly during your studies.

Contact form

Ombudet tar emot ärenden via kontaktformulär. Om du önskar boka ett möte eller telefonsamtal med ombudet kan du skriva det i formuläret. Glöm inte att ange ditt telefonnummer.

Fakulteter vi tar emot ärenden ifrån

Alla studenter vid...

  • Faculty of Educational Sciences
  • faculty of arts
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Linguistics
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Farmaceutiska fakulteten

Med undantag för studenter vid Campus Gotland samt företagsekonomiska-, nationalekonomiska-, statistiska- och ekonomisk-historiska institutionen.

Alla doktorander vid...

  • Faculty of Educational Sciences
  • faculty of arts
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Linguistics
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Farmaceutiska fakulteten
  • Campus Gotland

What can we help you with?


Ombudet kan vara en neutral och oberoende instans mellan dig som student/doktorand och Uppsala universitet i en eventuell konflikt.


Ombudet kan hjälpa dig att förstå dina egna rättigheter och skyldigheter som student eller doktorand.


Ombudet kan undersöka om Uppsala universitet följer reglerna i hanteringen av dina ärenden och att dina rättigheter skyddas.


Assist with complaints and pursue them towards the University.

What can 't we help you with?


Ombudet kan inte bestämma i ärendet. Ombudet kan ge rådgivning samt hjälpa dig föra din talan, men inte påverka beslut.


Represent you against Uppsala University when they have complied with laws, rules and guidelines.


Instruct or be instructed by units or decision-making bodies at Uppsala University.


To be an appeal body for matters already dealt with by other units or decision-making bodies at Uppsala University.

Frequently asked questions for undergraduate and postgraduate students

Här hittar du vanliga frågor inom ämnena: Administration/information, Antagning, CSN, Disciplinärenden, Examinationsmoment, Handledning, Praktik, Studiemiljö och Tillgodoräknanden, i bokstavsordning. Hittar du inte svaret på din fråga här kan du alltid kontakta ombudet.


Help! They say at my institution that my exam has disappeared. What is the case?

If an exam is lost, misplaced or similar and the university is responsible for this, students in this situation must be given the opportunity to write a new exam as soon as possible. Please contact the teacher in charge of the course and ask what applies.

Senast uppdaterad:


Now I have waited three weeks to have my exam corrected, and there is not much time left until the re-examination. How long will I have to wait?

Unless there are special reasons, a student has the right to have an exam or other examination corrected and graded after a maximum of 25 calendar days. This must be done at least 14 days before the re-examination.

Senast uppdaterad:


My course starts in two weeks and I still haven't received either the schedule or the reading list. Is this really okay?

No, it's not okay! An outline of all the examinations and compulsory teaching must be available at least five weeks before the start of the semester. A list of the main literature must also be available at that time. A final schedule must be communicated at least one week before the start of the course.

Senast uppdaterad:


What is the easiest way to find out what is specific to the course I am taking?

Read the syllabus! It contains things that you as a student should know, such as course objectives, how you will be examined and how your performance will be assessed. The syllabus is binding according to the Higher Education Ordinance, what it says cannot be changed during the course. Reading the syllabus is an excellent way to know your rights.

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Jag blev antagen till en kurs men glömde att tacka ja i tid. Nu blev jag struken från kursen och måste göra en sen anmälan. Finns det något jag kan göra?

Application and response of admission to courses within the prescribed time is the responsibility of the student. Unfortunately, this means that you cannot claim a place on the course on the grounds that you would have been admitted if you had not forgotten to accept the place. Therefore, you should first and foremost make a late application for the course via if this is possible. Another way to try to resolve your situation is to contact the institution offering the course you want to study, after you have made a late application, to explain your situation. For example, you can contact the course director or the study counsellor. Often they have a system of reserve admissions which takes place after the start of the course when they know how many students will be taking the course. They can give you better information about your chances of being accepted as a reserve.

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I have been rejected by CSN because I have not taken enough credits in the previous semester. Therefore, I need to apply for a waiver to continue my student loans. What should I write in my appeal to CSN?

In order for you to be exempted, there must have been special reasons why you were unable to take the credits for which you were awarded a student grant. Examples of special reasons are that you or a close relative has been ill or a close relative has died, that you have a disability which means that your studies take longer or that you have had difficulty completing your studies because of serious shortcomings at school. It is a good idea to attach documentation to your application for exemption to prove the special reasons you are citing. Dropping out of education because you got a job is not typically a special reason for waiving the credit requirement.

Senast uppdaterad:


How will my student grant be affected if I become ill?

När du blir sjuk kan du behålla ditt studiemedel. Du måste anmäla din sjukdom till Försäkringskassan redan första sjukdagen och efter åttonde dagen krävs ett läkarintyg. I 30 dagar betalas då studiemedlet ut som vanligt, men utan några poängkrav. Från dag 31 och framåt försvinner återbetalningskravet. Avregistrera dig inte från kursen du tänkt läsa eller påbörjat läsa. Om du avregistrerar dig ses du nämligen inte som student längre och då bortfaller möjligheten att få studiemedel från CSN under tiden du är sjuk. Oavsett om du är sjuk eller inte kan du inte få ersättning under sommaren.

Senast uppdaterad:


I receive student grants from CSN for full-time studies. What happens if I fail to pass all the courses this semester, will the money be reclaimed?

As long as you actually study to the extent that you have indicated in your application, i.e. do not deregister from the course and complete all the compulsory modules, you will not receive a refund for not passing the course. However, you will not be able to receive any more funding until you have passed at least 75% of the marks in the courses for which you have applied for funding, or 62.5% if you are taking your first or second semester.

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Disciplinary matters

I understand that the rules on cheating and plagiarism are strict at the university, what happens if I am reported for cheating?

En student som blir påkommen med att använda otillåtna hjälpmedel eller som på annat sätt försöker vilseleda under ett examinationsmoment kan bli anmäld för misstanke om fusk eller plagiat. Anmälan skrivs vanligtvis av studierektor för studentens institution och sänds därefter till Disciplinnämnden vid Uppsala universitet.

Du har som student rätt att skriva ett yttrande till Disciplinnämnden, samt uttala dig ytterligare vid Nämndens sammanträde. Nämnden kan fria eller fälla. Antingen ges en varning, vilket innebär att du kan fortsätta studera som vanligt. Dock kommer du med största sannolikhet att behöva göra om examinationen. Den andra åtgärden som kan vidtas är avstängning. Detta innebär att du inte får delta i undervisning, prov eller annan verksamhet inom ramen för utbildningen vid högskolan under en viss tid. Den vanligaste längden på en avstängning är mellan 2-6 veckor men kan som maximalt uppgå till 6 månader.

En avstängning innebär även att institutionen meddelar CSN om tiden för avstängning eftersom studenten under avstängningen inte räknas som student och därför inte har rätt att uppbära studiemedel. Det är dock upp till CSN hur de väljer att agera, universitetet har bara skyldighet att informera om avstängningen. Ett avstängningsbeslut från Disciplinnämnden börjar vanligtvis gälla omedelbart. Det går att överklaga Nämndens beslut i Förvaltningsrätten om studenten anser att det är felaktigt.

Om du blir anmäld för misstanke om fusk eller plagiat är du välkommen att kontakta student- och doktorandombudet som kan bistå med hjälp och råd då du ska skriva ditt yttrande och i mån av tid även följa med dig till Disciplinnämndens sammanträde.

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The exam for one course was a home exam. For the re-examination, the examiner wants to change the form of the examination to an oral examination. Can he do this? Don't I have the right to request the same form of examination?

There is no general rule that says you can't change the form of examination. However, if the syllabus says something about the form of the examination, this should also apply to the re-examination. An omtenta may never be more difficult or easier than the regular exam.

Senast uppdaterad:


Jag har läst en kurs utan att bli helt klar. Jag har varit på alla obligatoriska moment men inte lämnat in pm eller skrivit tenta. Nu när jag vill göra klart kursen säger institutionen att jag måste söka och registrera om mig på kursen. Är det så?

No, if all you have left in the course are non-teaching examinations, including exams and assignments, you do not need to re-register for the course. What you need to do is to check the exam or assignment date and then do the exam parts. Please note that you may need to give advance notice that you intend to write an exam or submit a writing assignment.

Senast uppdaterad:


I've heard that you can only rewrite an exam five times to pass, is that really true?

Well, there is no upper limit to how many times you can rewrite your exam. However, the number of times you have to take an exam to pass must not be limited to less than five. This is regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance. You are therefore entitled to a minimum of five exams in order to pass.

Senast uppdaterad:


What can I do if I think I got the wrong grade in an exam?

You cannot appeal against a grade, but you can request a review. A re-examination takes place if new circumstances have arisen or if the grade is clearly incorrect. A re-examination can never lead to the grade being lowered. If, after the re-examination, you still feel that the examination was not carried out correctly, you can appeal to the university's grading officers. They can make recommendations to the examiner if they feel that something in the examination process went wrong, but it is still the examiner who ultimately decides the grade.

Senast uppdaterad:


I have failed an exam in a course twice. I have always written it in a room. I wonder if I can request a different form of examination?

If you have failed two examinations, you have the right to have another examiner appointed. If there are special reasons for not being able to offer another examiner, you have the right to another form of examination.

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I have a very bad relationship with my thesis advisor and I feel that she is not helpful in my thesis writing. Do I have the right to change my supervisor?

If there are special reasons, a student should be given the opportunity to change supervisors during the degree project. The change must be requested from the department.

Senast uppdaterad:


I didn't finish my essay on time, do I have the right to get help from my tutor even after the course is actually over?

Det finns ingen absolut rätt till fortsatt handledning då kursen är slut. Ibland brukar dock handledare hjälpa de studenter som blivit försenade oavsett om det finns en formell rätt till det eller inte. Alla institutioner och kurser ska ha regler om vad som gäller för handledning. Hör av dig till din institution och begär att få läsa de regler som gäller där.

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My internship has been located very far from Uppsala. I therefore have quite high travel expenses, what are the rules for getting reimbursed for them?

If the internship is unpaid and compulsory in the curriculum, you as a student should not pay more than 25% of the additional costs resulting from it. The department must therefore contribute 75% of the travel costs. However, this presupposes that you choose the cheapest possible travel option.

Senast uppdaterad:


I have been given an internship far from Uppsala that I will have difficulty completing because I have an illness and have to see a doctor for treatment several times a month, do I have the right to change my internship?

Most courses that include a traineeship have rules that allow those with medical or other special reasons to have a traineeship that allows the traineeship to run as smoothly as possible. The important thing is to get in touch in good time and clearly state the reasons why you are entitled to a particular traineeship. If you suddenly fall ill or have an accident during your traineeship and are unable to complete it, you have the right to do the traineeship at a later date.

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Study environment

We have a course to be examined on a Saturday. Is that allowed? I am under the impression that a regular exam cannot be on a Saturday, or am I completely wrong?

Den regel som finns säger att undervisning och tentor bör förläggas till vardagar mellan 08.00 och 17.00 om det inte finns särskilda skäl eller det har angetts i kursplanen att undervisningen ligger på andra tider, alltså till exempel kvällskurser. Du bör i första hand vända dig till den kursansvariga för din kurs och om du inte får gehör för dina synpunkter kan du vända dig till ombudet för stöd.

Senast uppdaterad:


The course I'm studying has scheduled compulsory classes between 8am and 5pm on most weekdays, which feels rather cumbersome. How much of the teaching can be compulsory in a course?

There are no rules on how much of the teaching can be compulsory. However, the syllabus must state what is compulsory in a particular course. The total number of hours of full-time study should not exceed 40 hours per week, including both teaching and independent study. If the pace of study is less than full-time for the course you are studying (i.e. third or part-time), the number of hours of study per week will be fewer. The best advice here is to try to have a dialogue with the teachers about what will be a reasonable arrangement. There should always be a reason and a justification for why a particular module is compulsory.

Senast uppdaterad:


My examiner was very rude during the opposition of my essay. Is that really allowed?

Självklart ska en lärare uppträda korrekt och inte vara otrevlig. Ombudet kan hjälpa dig att prata med examinatorn och hens överordnade så att du får en ursäkt och så att det inte händer igen.

Senast uppdaterad:


Jag har läs- och skrivsvårigheter och tycker att det är svårt hänga med i undervisningen och på tentorna. Finns det någon hjälp att få?

Yes, there is! The Discrimination Act states that higher education institutions must, within the framework of their activities, actively promote equal rights for students and applicants regardless of, for example, disability. If your literacy difficulties are of a permanent nature, this counts as a disability within the meaning of the Discrimination Act, which gives you a right to the educational and other support measures necessary to make teaching accessible to you. One suggestion is to get in touch with your department's study counsellor or the university's coordinator for students with disabilities to talk about the barriers you face in your study environment and what can be done about them. When meeting with the coordinators, you will be required to bring some form of documentation of your disability.

Senast uppdaterad:


Jag snubblade i trappan i föreläsningssalen och bröt benet. Finns det någon försäkring för studenter?

Yes, according to the Higher Education Ordinance, a higher education institution must ensure that you, as a student, are insured for personal injury when the injury has occurred as a result of an accident in connection with higher education in Sweden. You have personal injury insurance through Kammarkollegiet during school hours and to and from university.

Senast uppdaterad:


The last few months have been really tough. No matter how much I study, I never feel satisfied with myself. I feel constantly stressed and it has started to negatively affect my studies. I don't really know who to talk to about this...

Om du behöver stöd i kontakterna med din institution för att förklara din situation och om möjligt komma fram till en individuell lösning som kan underlätta för dig i studierna är du välkommen att kontakta ombudet för hjälp med det. Det kan även vara bra om du får prata med någon om den stress och prestationsångest du upplever i studielivet. På Studenthälsan finns psykologer och kuratorer som alla är specialiserade på studierelaterade frågor. Under deras ordinarie öppettider kan du ringa till receptionen på telefonnummer 018-471 69 00 för att boka en tid.

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I am a single parent and will start studying in the autumn. I'm wondering how I can combine parenthood with studying. Is there anything in particular I should think about? What are my rights?

Uppsala University has a parental policy that states that working and study conditions should be such that parents can take full responsibility for home and children without this interfering with their studies. Departments should make it as easy as possible for students who have children by having good scheduling procedures, so that you as a student can plan the form and time of childcare in good time. To some extent, more individualised arrangements should also be offered, for example when you need to stay at home temporarily to care for a sick child. It may also be useful to contact the institution where you plan to study to discuss your particular situation.

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Transfer of credits

Where do I turn if I want to transfer a course that I have taken before and that is part of a programme, but now I am refused to transfer it when I start the programme?

Talking to the counsellors is always a good start. Other people who can be contacted in this matter are the programme director and the director of studies. Decisions on credit transfer can also be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board.

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