Get involved in the union!

There are lots of different ways you can get involved in the union. Our main task is, for example, to appoint student representatives. There are hundreds of student representative positions at Uppsala University and it is an extremely rewarding task. In addition to that, we also have a bunch of trusted positions at Uppsala Student Union. We have everything from Club Champions to member positions. Read more by clicking below!

Become a student representative!

Uppsala Student Union appoints around 450 student representatives each year to various bodies where decisions about your education are made.

Get involved in the union!

There are a variety of ways to get involved in the union. Some missions are short, others are long. Many of our missions are paid.

Union Associations

Another way to get involved is to join one of our Union Associations! Or why not create your own?

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Create your own Union Association

Do you have an idea for a new Union Association? Read more about how we can support you!

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