Report release: A level playing field with what resources?

Today Uppsala Student Union releases the report "Lika villkor med vilka resurser?", a report on the conditions for equal opportunity groups at Uppsala University. The report aims to map the conditions for equal opportunity groups at department level or equivalent. The hope of Uppsala Student Union is that the report will bring to life the issue of resources for equal opportunities work at Uppsala University's departments and equivalent.
The report is based on a survey conducted by Uppsala Student Union during the fall semester of 2024.
The report shows that the limited financial resources available to the Equality Crossing Groups affect their ability to carry out their work. The lack of time for the work affects the possibilities for employees to engage in the group, but also the possibilities for the group to carry out its work. There is not enough time to do everything that the group wants and should do, but also that the lack of time means that in some cases equal opportunities issues do not fit into the group's work.
The report also shows that the students, who are supposed to be included in the equal opportunities work, do not receive information about the equal opportunities group and its work more than in isolated cases, while there are no student representatives in many equal opportunities groups. The report also shows that at some institutions, students are not included in the target group for the work.
Uppsala Student Union believes that there is reason to strengthen equal opportunities work at the departments at Uppsala University.
Uppsala Student Union therefore wants to:
- that the convenor/chairperson should have at least 10% of his/her position dedicated to the task
- equal opportunity groups should have a budget proportionate to the needs of their activities
- the development of comprehensive guidelines for the mission of the Equality Crossing Groups
- increasing collaboration with the student group and the student union
- that Uppsala University shall remunerate student representatives in equal opportunity groups
The full report is available here.
If you have any questions about the report or its content, please contact Klara Fröberg, faculty coordinator and author of the report, at
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