Education monitoring
The erosion of higher education and teacher time
Sweden has the least teacher-led time in higher education in Europe, according to Eurostudent, an international survey that every two years compares the economic and social conditions of students in different European countries. In the following post, Uppsala Student Union comments on the lack of teacher-led time in teaching and how this can be traced to a systematic erosion of higher education in Sweden today.
AI and cheating: classroom exams cannot be seen as a substitute for home exams
Since the launch of the Chat GPT, the issue of AI and cheating has been on the university agenda. Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, where take-home exams are common, discussions have begun about replacing take-home exams with classroom exams. In some departments and programs this has already become a reality and is expected to become so in others. Uppsala Student Union is concerned about this development. Uppsala University should handle the situation carefully and not make hasty decisions that drastically change education.