Application form

Your application will be part of the Section Council meeting documents and will be used to select the student representative.

Things you can include in your motivation:
- Short description of who you are
- Relevant experience, e.g. work experience, association or board involvement
- Why you want to become a student representative, e.g. an issue you are passionate about, something you want to change in your education and/or interest

Thank you for your application! We will get back to you soon.
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Program Board for the Master's Program in Euroculture at the Department of Theology

Department of Theology

Faculty of Theology

The Programme Board is a forum for continuous discussion of the activities of the programme and is responsible for the implementation of the programme. Among other things, it includes annually reviewing the program's curriculum and, if necessary, proposing changes to the Faculty Board, ensuring that course evaluations are carried out and followed up, deciding on course literature within the program and annually submitting proposals for course plans to the Faculty Board.



Meetings per term



Language skills

Can understand Swedish

Education level




