Application form

Your application will be part of the Section Council meeting documents and will be used to select the student representative.

Things you can include in your motivation:
- Short description of who you are
- Relevant experience, e.g. work experience, association or board involvement
- Why you want to become a student representative, e.g. an issue you are passionate about, something you want to change in your education and/or interest

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Board of Studies for undergraduate level (A, B and C courses) at Centre for Gender research

Centre for Gender research

faculty of arts

The Student Council is a complement to course evaluations. Study Councils are organized twice a semester or on request and are a chance for students to ventilate and discuss thoughts and opinions about the course. Student Council representatives collect thoughts and opinions from their fellow students on the course. Student Council representatives are students on the course. Present at meetings are student council representatives, teachers and the director of studies.



Meetings per term



Language skills


Education level

Basic level



