Student Representation F.A.Q

Below are answers to common questions about student representation. If you want to have an even better insight, please read the handbook for student representatives.

What does student representation mean?

Student representation exists to give students a say in their own education. A student representative represents the students' views wherever decisions are made or prepared at the university that affect the students' education or situation.

Universities are governed by boards, committees and other decision-making and preparatory bodies. It is through these bodies that education is planned, evaluated and developed. There are seats on these bodies designated for student representatives.

What does a student representative do?

As a student representative, you participate in the group's work with the same rights as other members. This means attending meetings when you are invited and reading the documents in advance. It may also mean attending pre-meetings, where you will have the chance to prepare for the meeting. As a student representative, you are also part of a student representative council. This means that all student representatives at the union come together and discuss which issues they should jointly pursue to improve education. The councils are also advisory, and work to support and help you in your mission.

Support for student representatives

As a student representative, you will receive ongoing training and information from the union and the university on how best to carry out your duties, and you will have the opportunity to pursue issues and bring about change. The trainings are designed according to the needs and wishes of the student representatives. In addition, you will receive support from the other student representatives in the student representative council, from the union's paid and employed staff and from the university.

The difference between a full member and an alternate

Full members receive invitations and documents for meetings and may attend all meetings. Alternate members should generally only attend meetings if one of the full members is unable to attend, but this varies between groups. Ask what applies in your group once you have taken up your position. Only full members have voting rights, and alternates only have voting rights if a full member is absent and they attend in their place. The same may apply to remuneration.


Som student på Uppsala universitet har du rättigheter och skyldigheter. Mycket av din studiesituation på universitetet regleras av studenternas arbetsvillkor, bland annat att studentrepresentanter för att att kunna delta i sammanträden i universitetsorgan ges möjlighet när det är praktiskt möjligt och ekonomiskt genomförbart ges möjlighet til att genomgå obligatoriska kursmoment vid annat tillfälle eller att på annat godtagbart sätt ersätta dessa.

the handbook for student representatives

Handboken för studentrepresentanter* är framtagen för att ge dig som studentrepresentant ett kontinuerligt stöd. Handboken går igenom olika delar av universitetet och kåren. Det finns även många bra förklaringar om hur möten brukar gå till och en ordlista över vanligt förekommande begrepp.

Alla studentrepresentanter får ett fysisk exemplar av handboken när de medverkar på utbildningen för studentrepresentanter som fakultetssamordnaren anordnar, men den finns alltid digitalt också.

Opinion programme

Åsiktsprogrammet beskriver vad Uppsala studentkår står för i olika typer av frågor, exempelvis tycker Uppsala studentkår att studenter som har funktionsvariationer ska ha möjligheter till stöd i undervisningen. Om du som studentrepresentant behöver stöd i olika frågor kan du vända dig till åsiktsprogrammet för att hitta inspiration!

Training for student representatives

Som studentrepresentant får du en grundläggande utbildning om uppdraget som du innehar. Varje termin anordnar våra fakultetssamordnare flera utbildningstillfällen, där går ni igenom studenternas rättigheter, mötesformalia, stöd från kåren och mycket mer!
Vi bjuder även in till tematiska utbildningstillfällen under årets gång, där du som studentrepresentant får möjlighet till fortbildning inom specifika områden som är viktiga för ditt uppdrag. Har du frågor kan du kontakta vår fakultetssamordnare på

What is the Student Representative Council?

Student representative councils (STRÅ) are councils that meet to discuss educational issues and student influence in various forms. STRÅ is a forum for collaboration with the union and other student representatives, i.e. you update representatives from the union and other student representatives about what is happening in the body you are a student representative in and discuss how you as a student representative can influence. In this way, we can influence more and strengthen student influence by working together.

There are currently no events planned. Keep an eye on our social media pages to see when we're planning something new!

Vår fakultetssamordnare

Vi har en fakultetssamordnare vid Uppsala studentkår som arbetar med kårens studiebevakande verksamhet.

Portrait of klara
Klara Fröberg
Faculty Coordinator

Arbetar med kvalitetssäkring och bevakning av utbildningen vid universitetet samt utbildning och samordning av studentrepresentanter. Kontakta mig gärna vid frågor rörande dessa områden.