Union election guide for union parties

This guide is intended for union parties running for the union elections at Uppsala Student Union. The guide includes important dates, information and tips. Everything for a fun, engaging and successful union election! 

About Kårvalet

Uppsala Student Union is a democratic membership organisation where the Council is the highest decision-making body. The composition of the council, and thus the decisions it takes, is determined by the union elections. 

Running in the union elections

Register union party

För att kunna ställa upp kårvalet måste kårpartiet registrera sig som kårparti. Detta görs via Uppsala studentkårs hemsida. Det gäller både för omregistrering av befintliga partier samt för nya partier. Nya partier måste dessutom bifoga en förteckning över minst tjugofem (25) av Uppsala studentkårs medlemmar som genom skriftligt medgivande stödjer registreringen samt personnummer och kontaktuppgifter till dessa. Senast den 14 februari meddelar valutskottet på Uppsala studentkår vilka kårpartier som godkänns ställa upp i valet. Godkända partier meddelas via mejl.

Register candidate list

Inför varje val måste parti registrera kandidatlista senast den 1 mars. Listan ska ange vilka kandidater partiet vill nominera och hur partiet rangordnar kandidaterna. Av listan ska framgå varje kandidats namn, personnummer,telefonnummer, e-postadress och studietitel. Partiombud ska, i enlighet med valutskottets instruktioner, senast den 1 mars inge ett skriftligt medgivande från varje kandidat som finns upptagen på listan.

Voting in the union elections

Alla som är medlemmar i Uppsala studentkår kan rösta i kårvalet. För att få rösta krävs att medlemmen har en giltig mejladress. Röstningen sker digitalt och väljarna röstar från egen dator eller mobiltelefon och behöver alltså inte komma till någon vallokal. För den som behöver finns möjlighet använda dator på kårhuset för att rösta. Alla som är röstberättigade får ett mejl med länk till omröstningen samma dag som röstningen öppnar. I kårvalet 2024 är röstningen är öppen mellan den 7 och 21 april.

Väljare har möjlighet att välja vilken kandidatlista rösten ska tillfalla och därefter göra ett personval inom vald kandidatlista. Det går också att välja att rösta blankt eller att välja en kandidatlista men avstå från att göra ett personval. Väljare ges möjlighet att bekräfta sitt val innan röstning avslutas. När röstberättigad har bekräftat sitt val ska rösten registreras i en databas som valutskottet ansvarar för. Valutskottet kan kontrollera vilka som har röstat utan att valhemligheten äventyras.

Important dates

  • 1February - last day to register your union party. This is done via a form on the Uppsala Student Union website. Registration opens in mid-December. 
  • 1 March - deadline to pay your membership fee to Uppsala Student Union in order to stand in the union elections. It is also the last day for union parties to submit their list of candidates. 
  • 20 March to 3 April - Election kick-off. Union parties begin campaigning and US begins campaigning for turnout. Ergo releases stories about the parties, US shares info about the parties on social media and a union election debate takes place. 
  • 31 March - last day to become a member of Uppsala Student Union to vote in the union elections.
  • 7 april - röstningen öppnar 12.00
  • 21 April - voting closes at 20.00 and the results are announced shortly afterwards. 


  •  Most people voted in the middle of the election period, between 11 and 14 April. The lowest turnout was during the last days of the elections. A tip for candidates is to focus their campaigns on the period with the lowest turnout. 
  • Make sure to be visible on different campuses. Book a table and offer coffee, sweets etc. Bring a roll-up with your logo and flyers. The more visible you are, the better. Before your visits to the campuses, it is good to know what the union is, what you think is important about the union and why it is important to vote in the union elections. Try to be at least two so there is a fun atmosphere. 
  • Use social media! Have a fun campaign in channels and be active. Present your candidates on social media and try to come up with new and creative ways to do this. 
  • Develop a union election manifesto that makes clear what you want with Uppsala Student Union.
  • In general, it is important to be seen and heard a lot before and during the elections. Be clear about what you stand for.
  • Pep each other up to create commitment within the union party. It's one of the most important things you can do, but it can also be difficult. Pepper the candidates on the list to actually want to be involved and to get involved in the election campaign! 
  • Every vote counts! Try to convince everyone you talk to to vote. Recruit votes from friends and students. There can be very little difference between the parties when the votes are counted. Everyone should vote! 
  • Don't forget to be nice to each other!

Election opener

The period between 20 March and the opening of the union elections is called the election period. During this period, all external communication about the union elections is intensified. Then Uppsala Student Union needs to encourage students to vote while the union parties need to win the voters' vote. 


In the run-up to the union elections, Uppsala Student Union organises a union election debate. It is an opportunity for all the candidate parties to meet in a debate. The debate will be moderated by a moderator and will last about an hour. The public is invited to be an audience. The debate is a good forum to showcase the party's views to show how it differs from other union parties. Details of the debate may change from year to year. 

Election Watch

On the last day of the election period, Uppsala Student Union invites all candidates and affiliates to an election vigil. The location and organisation may differ from year to year.